The municipality of Recanati, in collaboration with MAC and Energia Media, and with the support of Enel X Way, ViaVai and Audi Domina, is hosting the first edition of “Recanati Smart Land: Energy Communities and E-Mobility Drivers for the development of our Territory” that will take place on 12 and 13 July.
The occasion will not only open up reflection onto the strategic development of our territory and its network of municipalities, but it will also kick start a process of networking of excellence, including technological networking. The event will address in particular two areas of great national interest: Renewable Energy Communities and E-Mobility.
These two days will see the ability of the territory itself to transform and become more and more appealing, through vocation and future, with the involvement of local and national stakeholders.

On the occasion of the event “Smart energy: the future has arrived”, during the talk show that will take place on July 12th 2022, the contest “MAC and Enel XWAY for the development of emobility” will be launched.
public bid for the proposal of a “special edition” graphic of a recharging infrastructure to be allocated to the local area.
call for ideas in which the most innovative ones will be selected and tested in the e-mobility lab, that is being built in Recanati.
For further information and insights contact:
Sara De Witt
tel: 071 757 3373
email: sara.dewitt@mac-italia.com

The IoThings World has just ended at the Mediolanum Forum in Milan. While there, we presented our Internet of Things family of products and shared topics on digitization.
Thanks to the NextGate platform we are creating easy and fast access to the most precious thing for companies and their products: data.
We are helping companies build native IoT projects and guiding them towards useful data collection.

There are only a few weeks left before the most important Italian event in the field of the Internet of Things technology: the new edition of IOThings will take place on 15 and 16 June 2022 at the Mediolanum Forum in Milan.
We will be there to share the issues of product digitization through our NextGate Intelligent Platform, an end-to-end platform that, thanks to the high performance of the hardware, allows it to be integrated with Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing and Predictive Maintenance applications.
For info and appointments, contact us:

The NEXTGATE Intelligent Platform was created from MAC’s vast know-how on product digitization.
The family of hardware and our openness to third-party applications has made it a powerful, reliable, flexible, and economical Internet of Things tool that can support high-level software and provide end customers with complete management of their products, making them IoT native.